Barbara Ostrop

Barbara Ostrop – Translator

English to German. Experience of 27 years and 100 novels. Women´s fiction, historical novels, fantasy, crime fiction, thriller and more.


When I got my translator degree at the University of Heidelberg in 1989 I didn´t dare to hope that my wish would come true and I would be translating novels. But I got lucky, and 1993 I started my career as a freelance book translator. Since then I have been working regularly for big publishing companies like Random House, Rowohlt or Amazon Crossing.
I love to translate and have wide experience with many genres. My favourite is women´s fiction (and as an author I published a romance myself). However I translated a bestselling thriller author over years and enjoyed it. Recently I started with two series of historic novels which were located in ancient Rome and learned a lot. This is just an example of how varied the genres can be. I love to translate fantasy and I am always happy when I get a historical novel.
I translated bestselling authors like Steve Berry, Barbara Longley or Karen McQuestion.

As a translator I work diligently and conscientiously. It is important for me to get a feeling for the voice of the author and to render it adequately. At the same time the translation must come across as authentic, as if it had been written in German from the beginning. I am always happy when in a review a novel I translated is commended for its readability.
All my translations are copyedited and proofread by myself. If you wish for further copyediting or prrofreading, I can either recommend you a copyeditor/proofreader or alternatively work together with them as a team.
Contemporary Romance Cozy Mysteries Epic Fantasy Historical Fiction Literary Fiction Psychological Thriller Social & Family Issues Women's Fiction
English to German
  • Diplomübersetzerin Universität Heidelberg

Work experience


Dec, 1993 — Present


Book Translation
Book Translation
Book Translation
Book Translation
Book Translation
Book Translation
Book Translation
Die Schokoladendiät

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Steve Berry

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Den ersten Stein

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Eine romantische Komödie in der aufregendsten Stadt der Welt: für Romantiker, New York-Fans und alle, die mal eine Pause vom Alltag brauchen. Sympathische Figuren, warmherziger Humor und viel Lokalkolorit. Nach einer schmerzhaften Trennung ist die junge Food-J... read more
Eine Welt der Macht, der Privilegien und Strafe im Antiken Rom. Eine Welt der Kriege, Geheimnisse und Heiligen Pflichten. Die Welt der geachteten Vestalinnen, Priesterinnen der Vesta. Die spannende Fortsetzung der Serie! Rom wird von einer Seuche heimgesucht, ... read more
Der starke Start einer neuen Serie! Ein Highlight für die Fans aller historischen Abenteuerromane und opulenter historischer Geschichten, bei denen mächtige Frauen im Vordergrund stehen. Pomponia ist noch ein Kind, als sie von Julius Caesar für den Orden der V... read more
Shanghai, 1939: Eine schillernde Stadt der Widersprüche und der Gegensätze. Für die einen das «Paris des Ostens», für die anderen ein Sündenpfuhl. Für viele europäische Juden bedeutet die Stadt vor allem eins: Hoffnung. Shanghai ist einer der wenigen Häfen, di... read more

Barbara has 7 reviews





Mary S.

Mary S.

May, 2024

Barbara did an outstanding job translating my book into German. She captured the essence and tone of the original, making the text flow naturally. Her attention to detail and cultural nuances is always impressive, and she keeps me informed throughout the process. I highly recommend Barbara for her professionalism and excellent translation skills.
Barbara O.
Thanks a lot for this review, Mary. It's always a pleasure to work for you.
Mary S.

Mary S.

Sep, 2023

Barbara has translated many of my books and maintains a high level of professionalism and attention to detail. Books are well received and rated highly by readers. Thank you once again Barbara.
Barbara O.
Thanks a lot, Mary. It's a pleasure to work for you.
Mary S.

Mary S.

Dec, 2022

Thank you Barbara for translating this book in your usual excellent manner. I highly recommend Barbara for translating. She has made the process so easy.
Barbara O.
Thank you so much, Mary. It was a pleasure to work for you.
Mary S.

Mary S.

May, 2022

Barbara is a thorough translator and cares very much about the authentic translation of the author's voice, the flow of the book, and everything in between. I've very much enjoyed working with her and expect to again. Thank you Barbara!
Barbara O.
Thank you so much, Mary.
Mary S.

Mary S.

Oct, 2021

Barbara is more amazing every time she does a translation for me. She's extremely thorough and communicates with me on any changes. Thank you Barbara!
Barbara O.
Thank you so much. It's a pleasure working for you.

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